11 quotes about sneeze follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We do recommend if they are feeling achy or feverish to monitor the symptoms. Keep an eye on their temperature, stay away from people who are considered high-risk, cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze, then wash your hands.

Carol Wilson

Juno won't be directing the market, like AOL, but it can carve out its own niche. They are providing a service, nothing super-revolutionary, but they have a loyal group of users. [And] 4 million is nothing to sneeze at.

Bruce Kasrel

Roberts pulled out of the 1998 Masters after breaking two ribs while sneezing. The sneeze 'sent me to my knees and I kind of felt something pop,' he reported. Wrote Golf Magazine columnist David Feherty: 'He was lucky. If it had been a (lower intestinal emission), he might have shattered his pelvis.'

Loren Roberts

He must not laugh at his own wheeze: A snuff box has no right to sneeze.

Keith Preston

Apartments have changed. It's no longer what you remember in the 1960s '70s and '80s where you can hear your neighbor sneeze.

Matt Petersen

The good psychic would pick up the phone before it rang. Of course it is possible there was noone on the other line. Once she said 'God Bless you' I said, 'I didn't sneeze' She looked deep into my eyes and said, 'You will, eventually.' And damn it if she wasn't right. Two days later I sneezed.

Ellen DeGeneres

While this was nothing to sneeze at, it was certainly less than on previous occasions.

Keith Rockwell

I like to write when I feel spiteful. It is like having a good sneeze.

David Herbert Lawrence

Keep the hands washed, and away from the face. Cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze, and if you get sick - stay home.

Ami Sklar

Wash your hands, always cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, don't share eating utensils and get vaccinated.

Vickie Mckeever

It's going to do an upper respiratory irritation, you are going to sneeze your eyes out, you're going to weep, you're going to cough and it's going to last for a while.

Dr. Raoult Ratard