9 quotes about sidelined follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

He is pursuing it (the anti-Israel line) because he doesn't really have any choice internally. Otherwise he will be sidelined. It's very hard, even for people like Rafsanjani, to adopt a more moderate stance.

Mahmoud Alinejad

There is no international agreement to introduce emissions trading for global aviation and we do not want the EU scheme to be sidelined by international disputes or for EU airlines competitiveness to be jeopardized.

Andrew Sentance

Many investors were sidelined awaiting the outcome of the 20-year JGB auction while firmer equity prices also kept market participants at bay.

Akitsugu Bando

The bone is broken into several pieces. It will make things more complicated. He should be sidelined for six weeks to two months.

Pape Diouf

If it requires a screw to be inserted Ben could be sidelined for around 10 weeks.

Mary Toomey

The market's a bit higher on China Telecom again because investors are quite bullish on the acquisition but I doubt the market will continue to rise because many people are sidelined, awaiting the FOMC decision.

George Chan

Market players are likely to be sidelined as the market may find it hard to digest the Iraq news.

Yasuo Ueki

A few things conspired against me. The club (Lierse) got a new coach and I got a knee injury that sidelined me for some time. It put me back and by the time I returned, the coach was not interested in me any more. That's how it goes in professional football.

Archie Thompson

It's great hearing that from a head coach. Injuries happen, unfortunately, and I was sidelined for a couple months. But I'm back now, and this is where I want to be. I just want to work as hard as I can and stay up here the rest of the season.

Randy Jones