13 quotes about sicker follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

If you are living at the margin, economically or in terms of age or being sicker, you are more vulnerable to your spouse being sick. If I am richer or younger, it is not as big a shock.

Dr. Nicholas Christakis

If health insurance was working properly, the sicker you are, the more protection you would have. It seems to be working backwards, the sicker you are, the more trouble you have paying bills.

Andrew Altman

As we're operating on older and sicker patients, we've got to pay attention to the harm surgery might do to their quality of life. Almost nothing is more devastating than losing mental abilities.

Mark Newman

It's startling in that the concept works, ... We need to study patients who are sicker.

Robert Bonow

Life is easier is when you are ignorant. Closing your eyes to the problems allows people to become sicker and sicker.

Nancy Kneeland

We both came in and worked. We were both getting sicker and sicker and sicker by the day.

Denise Trammell

The intensity of services required by sicker patients would result in higher average per patient charges and costs in the hospital's emergency department.

Barbara Langland Orban

The U.S. is typically recognized as having the most fragmented system with the greatest challenges in continuity of care and coordination. Sicker adults in the U.S. are least likely to have regular doctors and long-term relations with the doctor when they have one.

Robin Osborn

In the senior population, there's a direct correlation, ... The poorer you are, the sicker you are.

John Gorman

For a week, the grandmother applied powder and ointment to these severe burns, and the boy just got worse and sicker.

Jim Leljedal

No one can guarantee me anything. I am much older and much sicker than I was when I had the first transplant, but I am confident in my doctors and confident that I will find a donor.

Dorothy Moore

I think sometimes it makes you sicker than what you really are to take so much medication.

Dorothy Moore

When I say I'll murder my baby's mother, maybe I wanted to, but I didn't. Anybody who takes it literally is ten times sicker than I am.
