"Mark Newman" is a United Kingdom/British physics/physicist and Paul Dirac Professor of Physics at the University of Michigan, as well as an external faculty member of the Santa Fe Institute. He is known for his fundamental contributions to the fields of complex networks and complex systems, for which he was awarded the 2014 Lagrange Prize.

More Mark Newman on Wikipedia.

Clyde brings to us a valuable combination of technical, sales and customer support experience. He has substantial experience training state and county right-of-way managers, Florida Parks personnel, and private landowners on vegetation management practices and new application techniques.

As we're operating on older and sicker patients, we've got to pay attention to the harm surgery might do to their quality of life. Almost nothing is more devastating than losing mental abilities.

These guys didn't start the war.

And in fact, by the time we complete our first fiscal year, we will be well within the top 20 defense companies in the world.

We think it's important for diving that this relationship continues, and Duke wants to make sure anything it's associated with is of the highest caliber.

No one is better at what they do than Mark is. He's the best.

He passed `fluke' a long time ago.

DAN grew out of a mom-and-pop operation within Duke, and this recent situation has pushed us to more appropriately formalize our relationship, ... I will say, not having a person from Duke on the board was not a good plan.

We don't know whether he'll be there (the majors) this year, but we wanted to do this in case something happened and he was. It's also a reward for the Arizona Fall League season he had. He kept working after his regular season. These guys play every day for a long time and sometimes that's not easy to do.