9 quotes about sedentary follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Just because I am getting older doesn't mean that I have to accept a sedentary lifestyle. One has to have goals in life to stay motivated and keep moving ahead.

Werner Hoeger

Sprawl is killing people, some 300,000 premature deaths annually because of the sprawl sedentary lifestyle, and it is killing our natural environment, scenic vistas, biodiversity, rural towns and much more.

Joel Hirschhorn

Exercise is so much all about movement - getting up from the television to run and jump and play. Sometimes families are very sedentary, and they see it as too big of an obstacle ... but they don't have to go from sedentary to an hour-a-day workout.

Tami Streich

It's a dangerous combination of eating out and associated poor dietary choices coupled with sedentary activities, ... There's a concern for the early development of metabolic syndrome and the long-term problems of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Karen Olson

It's the community-dwelling seniors, people in their homes who have not fallen yet, who are, maybe, leaning toward a sedentary lifestyle. You tend to do less and less. It's this snowball effect.

Anne Peterson

Women start with a higher body-fat density than men. It's hard for women to lose weight. The target should be how can we make women less sedentary, how can we build activity into everyone's lifestyles.

Patrick Mccarthy

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for weight control. And the amount of time spent in sedentary activities is a strong predictor of weight gain.

Ashley Fenzl Crossman

Kids today have so many sedentary pursuits. We really need to capitalize on any opportunities for physical activity, and this is one of those opportunities.

Sarah Martin

Men who reported being physically active were much less likely to have ED compared to men who reported no daily physical activity. Similarly, men who reported being sedentary - measured by hours of daily television viewing and video and computer use - were much more likely to have ED, even after accounting for other risk factors.

Elizabeth Selvin