7 quotes about seamen follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We need an immediate supplemental appropriation right now -- for seamen hours, flying hours, training, for combined, for joint exercises, for backlot and real estate maintenance, for family housing. All of these are necessary right now. Otherwise a bunch of the efforts of the military will be shut down.

Ike Skelton

There were gentlemen and there were seamen in the navy of Charles the Second. But the seamen were not gentlemen: and the gentlemen were not seamen.

Thomas Babington Macaulay

This is a very serious issue which concerns not only the seamen but the farmers whose produce … is being destroyed because of the delays created by the strike.

Theodoros Roussopoulos

It's unclear on which ship (Hickok) died. There were seamen who were killed on shore, in attacks, or he could have been between ships.

Larry Greer

Where lies the land, to which the ship would go?Far, far ahead is all, her seamen know.And where the land she travels from?Away, far far behind, is all that they can say.

Arthur Hugh Clough

Nobles, citizens, farmers, mechanics, seamen, footmen, maid servants, even chimney sweeps and old clothes women dabbled in tulips.

Charles Mackay

We have a wretched motley Crew, in the Fleet; the Marines the Refuse of every Regiment, and the Seamen, few of them, ever wet with salt Water.

Benedict Arnold