28 quotes about sculpture follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty - a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture.

Bertrand Russell

Some kind of lit sculpture. I think he mentioned bowling balls.

Robert Hoffman

Henry Moore was . . . the Number 1 choice whenever a public sculpture was needed. . . . It was thought that a large Henry Moore work out front would add a final distinction.

John Russell

This is the premiere exhibit. There's going to be about 123 works of paintings and sculpture. We're the only museum in the country getting the full show.

Deborah Stevenson

My understanding is it's the highest price ever paid for an Inuit sculpture.

Duncan Mclean

It turns one back to really probably the most important tradition in sculpture, which is commemorating people and providing monuments of one kind or another to their lives and celebrating their return to the other world.

Richard Hunt

I don't do sculpture in the traditional sense.

Julie Mitchell

They've added new exterior signs to the gym, sculpture studio and the math building.

Adam Marcoux

This is the infusion of life into the idol or invoking the divinity in to the idol. Until this is done, the idol remains a sculpture.

Giridhara Gopal

[While she was working on] Maturity, ... M. Rodin is well aware that people have imagined that he did my sculpture; why then do all one can to give credence to these lies.

Paul Claudel

We have people interested in fiber arts, quilting, sculpture -- any of the visual arts in quite a variety of media.

Jeanne Board

This particular tree was so beautiful and impressive to us, like a living sculpture. We eventually decided to embark upon this project in order to show the struggle and beauty that is evident in all trees.

Deborah Sullivan

Right now, it's just trying to get the nuances of sculpture, simplicity.

Dj Garrity

There's a sculpture in our bedroom, a solid brass replica of Antonio's manhood. It's very expensive, he gave it to me as a romantic gift.

Melanie Griffith

PAINTING, n. The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic. Formerly, painting and sculpture were combined in the same work: the ancients painted their statues. The only present alliance between the two arts is that the modern painter chisels his patrons.

Ambrose Bierce

The hotel team did a terrific job. They even built a lighthouse since that reminded us of Northern Germany, and a beautiful ice sculpture.

Jens Finke

This sculpture is, um, interesting.

Prince Andrew

When I saw the actual sculpture, I had quite a shock. I never imagined the play of light on the surfaces. There are subtle optical effects that you can feel but can't quite put your finger on.

Adrian Ocneanu

Half of my fun is procuring (sculpture materials), getting (them) back here and seeing what fits together.

Leo Atkinson

When I moved into making sculpture, I could handle steel the way it had been handled in the technological revolution. I could use it the way bridge builders used it; I could use it the way they used it in industry and building and not the way it had been used in art.

Richard Serra

Whether you listen to a piece of music, or a poem, or look at a picture or a jug, or a piece of sculpture, what matters about it is not what it has in common with others of its kind, but what is singularly its own.

Basil Bunting

Using that basic unit, we developed the columns and the branches that form the sculpture.

John Barber

The Paper Sculpture Show.

Garry Winogrand

Los Alamos County is contributing to the recognition of our 25th Anniversary through a generous gift of $20,000 for the purchase of a permanent outdoor sculpture for the campus.

Carlos Ramirez

Sculpture occupies real space like we do... you walk around it and relate to it almost as another person or another object.

Chuck Close

Discovered this neat sculpture!

Doreen Cronin

I'm not saying my sculpture will make the team played better, or help anyone feel more pride, ... But it very well might.

Donald Lipski

Architecture is the design of space, both interior and exterior. So it's much more closely related to dance than it is to painting or sculpture.

Bruce Graham