20 quotes about sarbanes follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Sarbanes-Oxley requires that public companies report these exposures on their 10Qs, so the reserves shortfall is right out there in the open. Helping reduce the possibility of a shareholders' lawsuit over leaving your largest risk uninsured could be called a bonus that comes with the policy, no extra charge.

Scott Pales

I would like to see it reopened and revised. Sarbanes-Oxley has become extraordinarily expensive.

David Chavern

For some patients, this represents a retention period of over 100 years. And the Sarbanes-Oxley act requires every public company to save every record related to the audit process, including e-mails, for seven years.

Fred Moore

It's rare that we get blindsided this way. In this era of Sarbanes-Oxley, governance is a front-burner issue. I just hope that the scandal doesn't become more widespread.

Scott Black

There is much discussion within the SEC about how Sarbanes-Oxley may be imposing a greater cost than anticipated. Perception can be every bit as important as reality in financial markets.

Paul Atkins

One thing that wasn't done well in the first year [of Sarbanes-Oxley, 2002], something companies are starting to get right, is assigning ownership of controls -- knowing how processes will be monitored, day in and day out, and who's on top of them.

Robin Baker

Companies need to reconnect with their delete keys. Many organizations now believe that the time is right to repeal Sarbanes-Oxley.

Fred Moore

This runs contrary to what is going on in the rest of country. Schools have made adjustments in light of the Sarbanes-Oxley bill.

David Ward

No one could prove to you that Sarbanes-Oxley would have prevented a dedicated crook from being able to hide something beyond the view of the balance sheet and accountants.

Jack Coffee

By the time the final budget's done, we may have lost six months in the current year; and by the time you gear up the federal bureaucracy to hire new people, train them, etc., we may have lost a whole year after [the passage of] Sarbanes-Oxley.

Brian Gross

You basically had no reliable backup for five years, until Sarbanes-Oxley came along. The office manager has taken the backup tapes home and put them on the mantle.

Joe Skorupa

A real burden on a small company that's going public. The accounting expenses engendered by Sarbanes-Oxley are...just tremendous.

Tom Perkins

Sarbanes-Oxley is going to lead in general to higher-quality earnings, ... It's going to be harder to create Mickey Mouse numbers.

James Montier

There's greater threat from the SEC, from (Sarbanes-Oxley), from criminal prosecution and private class actions, but not any one of them is decisive.

Jack Coffee

The heightened regulatory requirements around Sarbanes-Oxley over the last few years are causing them to highly scrutinize the way they are doing things.

John Mcgrory

Sarbanes-Oxley was enacted to protect shareholders of corporations. The citizenry and taxpayers of Denver are the ?shareholders? of our city government, (and) they deserve the same kind of protection.

Dennis Gallagher

You've got obligations, not quite on the same level as the CFO going to jail if they run afoul of Sarbanes-Oxley. But if you are not complying with some of the data privacy regulations these days, the company is potentially going to get fined. It's going be … very negative for PR and company branding.

John Radcliffe

Essentially what I see happening is everyone involved in the appointment and selection of senior executives is now much more aware. Sarbanes-Oxley [the federal financial reporting law] is putting a much greater onus on the board. Ethics becomes very important in the hiring process ... If they end up hiring a CEO to the extent of 'an Enron,' the board will be held responsible, too.

Peter Felix

Automating and streamlining Sarbanes-Oxley processes and financial controls with Movaris Certainty delivers increased accuracy, cost-savings and a more comprehensive approach to financial control management.

Eric Keller

Ventana Medical Systems is a fast-growing organization that is committed to strong financial control. Certainty will help them to both reduce the costs of ongoing Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, but also provide them the platform to further automate financial control processes.

Eric Keller