20 quotes about rovers follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The extended journeys taken by the two rovers across the surface of Mars has allowed the science community to continue to uncover discoveries that will enable new investigations of the red planet far into the future.

Mary Cleave

The rovers are both in good shape. Normal science activities are increasing as we continue to get additional power out of the solar panels, primarily because the Martian day is getting longer.

Jim Erickson

It's a win-win situation. Customers attracted to the luxury element, also discover that Land Rovers, because of their off-road capabilities, are extremely durable. The perception of Land Rovers is changing, which is reflected in our sales.

Pat Ward

I did not intentionally break the law but made a foolish mistake for which I have accepted responsibility. I am pleased the whole incident is now behind me and I can focus my attention on doing my best for Blackburn Rovers.

Aaron Mokoena

He had an armored vehicle across the road. We had these Land Rovers. The wise thing was to go back for the night.

Robert Baxter

This has been a long range target for us. We have all been intrigued by the orbital images of [this area] and it is something to finally get a 'rover's eye' view of...although, we haven't gotten the greatest view down there even yet. But soon we should.

William Farrand

I think Rovers will be very strong. They have the highest profile manager, the biggest budget, the biggest support and the biggest tradition.

John Gill

This has been a long range target for us. We have all been intrigued by the orbital images of [this area] and it is something to finally get a 'rover's eye' view of…although, we haven't gotten the greatest view down there even yet. But soon we should.

William Farrand

Rover's been losing money, it continues to lose money, and it will lose money again this year.

Greg Melich

Spirit has climbed to the hilltop and looked over the other side, but NASA did not do this just to say we can do it. The Mars rovers are addressing fundamental questions about Martian history and planetary environments.

Doug Mccuistion

We now want to sit down with Kevin and his agent and try to get him to stay with us here at Rovers.

Dave Penney

They've done a fabulous job with both rovers and getting Spirit to the 'top of the hill' is an amazing accomplishment.

William Farrand

This has been a long range target for us. We have all been intrigued by the orbital images of [this area] and it is something to finally get a ‘rover’s eye’ view of … although we haven’t gotten the greatest view down there even yet. But soon we should.

William Farrand

This isn't all about hopping and bopping around on the moon, and driving cool lunar rovers around the place, although we have that too, ... This is more about the human aspect — and the fact that, as Tom Hanks says, it was the world's greatest road trip.

Mark Cowen

Every day is like a brand new mission to us, because the rovers move. And so we are in different locations, there is different terrain, there is different geology, there is something new to explore. We're like Lewis and Clark going upriver and every day there's new phenomena to see.

John Callas

From an engineering standpoint, you really have to tip your hat. These rovers were designed for a lifetime of three months and now it's not clear when they're going to stop.

Matt Golombek

Both rovers continue to be in superb health. It has been just a remarkable mission and I would say we literally feel on top of the world right now being on the summit of Husband Hill.

Steve Squyres

Both Rick and I are lifelong fans of Coronation Street so to be in the Rovers with the regulars is an ambition fulfilled.

Francis Rossi

Mark has been training with us for the past few days, and played in our friendly match against Blackburn Rovers.

Keith Curle

[For now, the rovers are in] amazingly good shape, ... We're going to work them hard to get as much benefit from them as we can, for as long as they are capable of producing worthwhile science results.

Jim Erickson