6 quotes about rolodex follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Right now, I'm burning through the cash. We certainly have visions to make money at some point. I have an extensive Rolodex.

David Baum

Over the years, I have developed a pretty good Rolodex.

John Sculley

She opened her home and her Rolodex to us. Anything we needed she could find. It seemed like she was either related to or went to high school with everyone in town.

Danielle Renfrew

He'd suck my brains, memorize my Rolodex and use my telephone to find some other guy who'd pay him twice the money.

Ned Dewey

Bell Atlantic is probably right now going through its Rolodex of as many BellSouth contacts as it has to start the dance, ... It's inevitable.

Robert Rosenberg

The database has been customized to the point where it is incredibly user friendly. It is like an online Rolodex.

Domenic Alfonzetti