7 quotes about retrieval follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We are very excited about what ADP's Digital Contracting will bring to our business. We chose ADP because they have the complete offering we need: forms, lasers, electronic signature capture and secure electronic document storage and retrieval.

Paul James

Memory retrieval is like revisiting the past. Brain patterns that are long gone can be revived by the memory system.

Sean Polyn

It's sloppy and it's chaotic, but the degree to which it improves precision in the retrieval process can be quite significant.

Brad Allen

For many years before the Web there were many different ways of publishing information. There were many different ways of doing hypertext. There were many different ways of doing online information retrieval and search, and navigation.

Tim Bray

The key issue is what data ISPs will be forced to either retain or preserve, and cost of recovery for that. Without an adequate cost recovery for both retention and retrieval of the information, ISPs will be open to open-ended requirements.

Joe Mcnamee

When we use fresh sperm, the surgical procedures for the sperm retrieval and egg retrieval need to be done the same day, and this may not be convenient for the couple. However, if we use frozen sperm, the man can have his procedure first, and if we find sperm, we can bank it. Then, at the couple's convenience we do egg retrieval and the fertilization procedure that puts the egg and sperm together.

Moshe Wald

The email and storage markets are converging in the age of compliance. If you can't backup and recover your email messages quickly, you can't meet information retrieval deadlines from regulators or prosecutors.

Ed Golod