17 quotes about restitution follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Given that this was not a criminal matter, restitution does not apply in this situation. Also, there were no attorney fees (involved).

Stephanie Jones

Defendant does not intend to profit in any way from the Oklahoma City bombing tragedy and in the event this court imposes no fine, or a nominal fine, and does not order restitution to exceed $4,100, the defendant will sign and file with the court an agreement and promise not to profit from the Oklahoma City bombing tragedy.

Michael Mcguire

I don't think you can undo or get restitution to what he's done to the tribe. Financially, the tribe is surviving, but it's been hard.

Tigua Govart Senclair

Historically there have been compensation programs, not restitution. In other words money, not give them back the property. And that's most likely what's going to happen.

Pamela Falk

This case combines a defendant who discovered and revealed a much bigger fraud than his own, revealed his own crime in the process, and then made full restitution, not merely prior to sentencing, but even before any criminal investigation was commenced.

Terry Ward

The state is going to be asking for the maximum time and restitution, we don't object to those parts of the recommendation. They are also going to request house arrest and an adjudication of guilt, which we will oppose.

Robert Watson

We regret that Canary was given special treatment, ... It should not have happened. We continue to work to determine whether One Group investors were financially harmed by this trading -- and if they were, we will make full restitution.

Jamie Dimon

We heard about the church restitution issue. It is important. But it seems it is a minor issue compared to the fight against corruption.

Joost Lagendijk

I believe the ultimate restitution would be the reopening of our casinos. That would be the ultimate restitution.

Tigua Govart Senclair

I don?t think there?s enough cleaning at my house for restitution. But I would hope that their parents are going to have some kind of financial obligation.

Lisa Walker

I had to go back to work, earn money, support myself, and also start putting funds together to pay the restitution — which I paid.

Dan Bailey

If the judge vacates these restitution orders, it's as if the obligation never existed, ... I'd rather refer it all to a collection agency before we wipe it off the books.

Sandra Parker

Our principal goal is restitution to the consumer.

Peter Harvey

She has made full restitution to the university.

Tom Page

When Mr. Rove purchased the home in January 2001, he qualified for the exemption. He was not made aware of the changes in D.C. law. Now that it has been brought to his attention, he is making restitution.

Erin Healy

It's the first step to seek money for restitution such as grants.

Eric Coyne

This advisory board is so political that sometimes they won't make the obvious decision in favor of restitution.

E. Randol Schoenberg