6 quotes about residing follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We were able to develop tools to identify to see if those programs are residing on your system.

Ron Dick

I've been an attorney, residing in Ellis County for 10 years. And like most of you my experience goes beyond Ellis County. Unlike my opponent who only had two years of experience when he was first elected.

Dan Altman

We believe that any immigrant — any immigrant — residing in this nation has a right — a right — to have access to the process allowing U.S. citizenship. No ifs. No buts. And, we feel that the underlying theme is that there is nothing more un-American than to be anti-immigrant.

Alvaro Cifuentes

Obviously, we want to ensure that people who have evacuated are still having their health care needs met, and the best way to do that is for them to get on insurance in the state where they are residing or where they intend to reside.

Kristen Meyer

The least (church officials) can do ... is inform neighbors of where they are residing now.

Barbara Blaine

We are very proud of the group homes we operate and want to stress that our major concern is always the health and safety of the individuals residing there.

Diane Hill