7 quotes about rendezvous follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The vehicle appears to be in the right place. It's where it needs to be to rendezvous with Pluto nine years from now. We're looking really good.

Omar Baez

This result demonstrates that the only people in the EU to have been consulted have, after a period of reflection, given the clearest possible signal that Europe's rendezvous with history cannot be further delayed or postponed.

Pat Cox

Indeed, the asteroid's orbit is particularly attractive for spacecraft rendezvous, and the extraordinary close encounter in April 2029 provides a unique opportunity to investigate a number of scientific NEO issues.

Mary Cleave

Normally, we consider waiting through more than a single change of a traffic light as a 'traffic jam.' But during the Rendezvous, it's common.

Diana Buehler

Be not grieved above measure for thy deceased friends. They are not dead, but have only finished the journey which it is necessary for every one of us to take. We ourselves must go to hat great place of reception in which they are all of them assembled, and, in this general rendezvous of mankind, live together in another state of being.


I have a rendezvous with Death at some disputed barricade.

Alan Seeger

Clearly, the lessons learned from this mission will fundamentally influence all future asteroid rendezvous missions.

Daniel Scheeres