7 quotes about regressive follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This budget has deceived the common man. The tax system is regressive. Heavy concessions have been granted to the corporate sector and spending on education and healthcare has not been increased to the expected levels.

Gurudas Dasgupta

In general, the classic definition of a consumer tax traditionally is regressive.

Bert Waisanen

If it takes a greater percentage of a budget to buy something ... by definition, that's regressive.

Bert Waisanen

This is the most regressive tax thats ever been imposed.

Steve Hunter

I find this very regressive. We're just staying in status quo. I thought many of us were hired to move the city forward.

Mark Weiner

Gasoline prices are one of the most regressive costs on lower-income people.

Michael Shames

I think the panhandling ban is the most recent in a series of thoughtless, mean, and regressive legislation that Atlanta's resorted to, to keep homeless people excluded from housing, from life in Atlanta, from participating as citizens, as the citizens that they are.

Anita Beaty