7 quotes about recedes follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

There's stories all over that place that are just going to be horrifying, ... As soon as the water recedes, that town is going to find dead bodies everywhere in the attics. It's just sad. It's sad they forgot them out there and it's sad the levee broke.

David Sibley

More and more Emerson recedes grandly into history, as the future he predicted becomes a past.

Robert Penn Warren

Nothing recedes like success.

Walter Winchell

Luckily, we are on higher ground, so we'll be one of the houses out of the water first when it recedes. What I can say is that we're the best of the worst.

Nancy Walker

The lake will continue receding during the day, about half an inch an hour. As it recedes, this will help.

Dan Riley

When a glacier recedes, it means that it is diminishing, which is an obvious sign of global warming.

Robert Corell

As the water recedes there will be damage assessment. Family services go out to see what people have lost, helping to replace furniture, beds, etc.

Peter Teahen