8 quotes about ravaged follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A number of his paintings are made with charcoal. Kiefer shows not just destructive forces, but rejuvenation. The landscape is ravaged, but it will one day become very fertile.

Anik Fournier

There's an additional 50 families coming in to Palm Beach County every day from the storm-ravaged areas, and we're caring for them. We may need to open up three or four more shelters in the area.

Dean Dimke

The whole southeast coastal marsh has been ravaged. Some have some of the largest rookeries, and they are gone.

Dave Morrison

We're worried about the voting rights of our people in New Orleans who are not, for the most part, in New Orleans. People should still have a say in what happens in the communities that were ravaged by Katrina.

Bruce S. Gordon

When Katrina, Rita, and Wilma ravaged Florida and the Gulf Coast, our employees did an extraordinary job under the worst of circumstances.

Dennis Fitzsimons

That created a whole landslide of Cobb-hating and piling on. That was the last 10 months of Cobb's life. I think if any of us were portrayed in the last 10 months of life, when we were ravaged by disease, we would not come across very well.

Dan Holmes

Any [bankruptcy] judge from the [hurricane-ravaged] region is going to be sympathetic to the idea that these people were severely disadvantaged by what happened.

Sam Gerdano

Cancer ravaged her body, but it never took her spirit away. She was a fighter to the end.

Elaine Gampel