19 quotes about punitive follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I don't think these punitive measures are going to deal with the underlying issues or even stop the riots. You need to focus on how to better manage the population you have.

Jody Kent

The coalition is growing daily. The coalition was formed to fight what we consider an unfair, punitive and destructive tax.

Laura Jones

The major reason children lie is to escape punishment. The chances are the more a parent or a teacher is harsh, aggressive, or punitive, the more motivated children are to make up a story to protect themselves from punishment.

Jacqui Rivait

[This refusal to review the case] opens the door to even higher awards of punitive damages in the future and may signal that the court would tolerate higher punitive damages in cigarette cases than in others.

John Banzhaf

It's a punitive bill. This is a very complicated issue, and I don't see any good coming out of this.

Sara Gonzalez

In the world of insurance, $20 million in punitive damages is considered a very substantial jury award.

Christopher Opalinski

This conference was designed to deal with discrimination globally, ... Instead, it has focused on one country in a punitive fashion.

Tom Lantos

The industry is clearly on the run, regardless of what happens in the punitive damage phase.

Richard Daynard

We did not write any punishment or punitive damages into the policy. Hopefully, we won't have to do that.

Donnell Barton

We're asking for responsible immigration reform and not just punitive measures.

Michael Clara

If the child is older, have them strip and change the sheets in the middle of the night. Not as a punitive measure, but to become more aware.

Diane Weston

These things can be helpful when people are there voluntarily. But if they're mandatory, they may consider it punitive — something to get through — and just put in the time.

Ric Edelman

That is a pretty rare judgment to get a sizeable punitive damage award in a business case, especially in Dallas County.

Geoffrey Harper

For children, Lacy becomes a transition object. If a child has been in some trouble, they may feel that (being here) is part of the punitive process. When they see Lacy, it's disarming.

Linda Martin

We have compensated in actual damages. This is about punitive damages. We don't believe punitive damages are warranted.

Mark Boudreaux

It's a great idea, but a hard one to enforce. It does give us another punitive option. Again, for some people it's just not going to make a difference. For others it may make them think twice.

Kelly Baraga

Investors expect a headline-grabbing punitive damages award next month or so and this has affected our share price.

Martin Broughton

Excluding potential punitive damages, we estimate compensatory damages to Sirius could total over $250 million.

Maurice Mckenzie

It is an enduring truth, which can never be altered, that every infraction of the Law of nature must carry its punitive consequences with it. We can never get beyond that range of cause and effect.

Thomas Troward