10 quotes about pledges follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We do need them to bring their pledges on Saturday, but people are willing to help right up to the last minute.

Lisa Eades

Belize pledges it continued support to the aspirations of the 23 million people of Taiwan to be full participants in all organs and agencies of the international community.

Said Musa

The essence of all jokes, of all comedy, seems to be an honest or well intended halfness; a non performance of that which is pretended to be performed, at the same time that one is giving loud pledges of performance. The balking of the intellect, is comedy and it announces itself in the pleasant spasms we call laughter.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mr. Condit has made pledges and promises for a long time -- before the campaign and during the campaign -- that he would do anything he could to help the investigators. We just ask that he keep his word and keep his pledge that he will cooperate completely and talk to our investigators and help them find our daughter.

Robert Levy

Please do not delay -- the time to make firm commitments is now. Honor your pledges now.

Barham Salih

We are giving everyone the opportunity to pay their pledges over a five-year period to make their investment as affordable as possible.

Ruth Pratt

No man can tell but he that loves his children, how many delicious accents make a man's heart dance in the pretty conversation of those dear pledges; their childishness, their stammering, their little angers, their innocence, their imperfections, their necessities, are so many little emanations of joy and comfort to him that delights in their persons and society.

Jeremy Taylor

I have had unusual difficulty getting a better explanation for readers, despite the paper's repeated pledges of greater transparency.

Byron Calame

But we'd hope to get going earlier; we needed this six months in advance. If that had happened, the pledges would be in hand and we would not be embarrassing ourselves to the Heritage Inn and others.

John Kramer

These are very ominous signs that the regime is far from fulfilling its pledges and is regressing on the reform front.

Saadeddin Ibrahim