6 quotes about physique follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Physically he was the connoisseur's connoisseur. He was a giant panda, Santa Claus and the Jolly Green Giant rolled into one. On him, a lean and slender physique would have looked like very bad casting.

Craig Claiborne

We're moving away from that ad that only shows young, beautiful people with a Greek-god physique.

Jim Mcdonald

He's getting leaner and stronger. His physique is unbelievable.

Aaron Nelson

In the moment of truth, he's going in on a challenge. Despite his physique, he plays with big size.

Greg Morales

He's full of desire. Besides, his soccer depends more on technique than physique.

Manuel Pellegrini

They transformed their bodies into more of what we're looking for from a physique standpoint.

Jeff Reinebold