15 quotes about perpetuate follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The public officials drafting these (zoning codes) have extreme conflicts of interest. Yet they are allowed to drive and perpetuate an agenda that is mean-spirited and not in the public interest.

Jim Mcnulty

The community needs to perpetuate his legacy. And we need to fill his seat with someone who has the same advocacy and vision.

Adelfa Callejo

The people overwhelmingly said at the polls [on Nov. 8] that the current administration needed to be changed, but these guys want to perpetuate it anyway.

Leonard Remo

We were happy to perpetuate it. We were actually racists at heart at that stage as well.

Cliff Saunders

False opinions are like false money, struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing.

Joseph Marie De Maistre

I enjoy it very much and it helps keep me active. I like to be busy, and teaching is a two-way street. I have the opportunity to help others and in turn I learn from the young minds who are in our classes. We have to get more young people involved in helping to perpetuate the arts in this area.

Herb Edwards

It's very small, but this kind of consistent information would suggest the same with girls in writing and language. These minor results perpetuate the myths.

Lisa Battaglino

Some people like to cause and perpetuate drama.

The Bravery

The directory is a source for collectors and historic museums eager to own fine, hand-crafted, period-accurate objects and also a means of supporting those who perpetuate the art forms that are such an important part of our nation's heritage.

Tess Rosch

With each class, more and more communities become involved through the participation of class members, and the positives just perpetuate.

Carolyn Turner

With the restaurants and the books he's got going on, it seems like he needs the constant reminder that he's out there. It's all part of the aura, and I think he has to tour to perpetuate that aura.

Tim Klaber

Education in this country is about how to maintain the status quo and to perpetuate racism.

Jane Elliot

In the past ten years, Cummings Foundation has awarded nearly 0,000 in scholarships to outstanding Winchester graduates alone. The awards were originally funded by a million grant from Cummings Properties, and through memorial gifts, to perpetuate them in future years.

Dennis Clarke

If a child shows himself to be incorrigible, he should be decently and quietly beheaded at the age of twelve, lest he grow to maturity marry, and perpetuate his kind.

Don Marquis

Listed ISNA as one of 25 American Muslim organizations that 'finance terrorism and perpetuate violence.'

Frank Gaffney