12 quotes about partnered follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We've partnered with Babcock and Brown, which is a large energy-oriented investment bank, and they will both be helping up with arranging financing for the construction and long-term for the project. They also have access to a fairly large number of turbines for the project.

Matthew Hantzmon

We've always partnered with the schools. They are the anchors of the community.

Tony Iorio

In my opinion, AK Steel will be partnered with somebody in the industry in the not-too-distant future.

Michael Locker

It is really difficult for Wal-Mart to go into a new country and just build from the ground up. They're doing it in China. But if you look at anywhere else they have gone into, they have always partnered with a local company of some sort.

Patricia Edwards

I've partnered with all sorts of people over many, many years in all sorts of ways.

Douglas I. Foy

No agency can, which is why it is vitally important that we are partnered with industry.

Mark Hatfield

A lot of people think they have to live in rentals because they either don't make enough money to own a home or they have a couple of glitches on their credit. But that's just not the case. We have partnered with Bank of America, Bernalillo County, HUD and four other lenders that make it easy to get into your own home.

Bob Garcia

We have been partnered with them for years, and the relationship gets stronger with each year.

Ryon Acey

There are enormously gifted Episcopal priests around this church who are gay and lesbian, some of whom are partnered, who would make wonderful bishops and they're going to be nominated and they're going to be elected.

Gene Robinson

Big media companies give away tons of content over the Web. We've partnered with them so they can sell it to mobile phone users.

Sean Mallon

Partnered with these guys as opposed to bigger operators like Boyd or Harrah's.

Jeff Simpson

We partnered with the Senate, with Sens. (Sam) Brownback and (Pat) Roberts, ... and we came out well.

Jim Ryun