29 quotes about overboard follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I think that's maybe a little overboard.

Audrey Jones

I think everyone expected an explosion the last time and went overboard. Everybody way overstocked.

Candace Corlett

One day they weren't here, and the next day they were, and they started dumping everything overboard. We've never had this big of a problem here before.

Pat Lynch

It's the people who have gone overboard and done such irrational things that take you back to the days of book burning. That is a concern for me.

Martie Maguire

Keep small fires small and knock them down. We will attack fires with everything we've got. I don't mind if we're accused of going overboard.

Finley Peter Dunne

These people are obsessive. They go overboard interpreting verbal and behavioral cues that take them way beyond reality.

Cary Cooper

He was like my big brother. He suffered from epilepsy and fell overboard on a fishing expedition and drowned.

Akim Millington

We wanted to have a little tea party here at people's advocate. We didn't have any tea, so we decided we'd throw the governor overboard.

Ted Costa

It's way, way too much pressure if you go overboard at this stage. If you go overboard, it's over.

David Wygant

There is a grain of truth to every character, but it's overboard, which I really love.

Phil Funkenbusch

They are functional accessories that are a safe way for men to dress up without seeming like he's going overboard.

David Peck

We were on deck and all tossed our hats up in the air with joy. Some went overboard. Ship's horns blared in the harbor at Guam where we were. Then the officer of the day came on the ship's intercom and ordered no more throwing of hats, ... There was no more celebrating.

Russell Collins

We are disappointed that politicians of both parties chose to toss overboard the First Amendment and free artistic and creative expression in favor of political expediency.

Douglas Lowenstein

They're just going overboard. This is police-state strategy.

Frank Mitchell

It does put a lot of pressure on the individual employees. It threatens them with arrest if they don't follow the law, and being fired. We think that Greyhound is going overboard.

John Trasviña

This guy has gone overboard in throwing up partisan roadblocks.

Brad Mcclellan

The issue is what is the balance between security and our Constitutional rights to assemble? We think the city of Boston has gone way overboard in the name of security.

Leslie Cagan

A 2-0 record means nothing. The only thing we can concern ourselves with is Green Bay. Let's not go overboard.

Greg Spires

I thought he was just outside smoking and talking on the phone like he normally does. He probably just lost his balance and fell overboard.

Jeff Kish

I think some incentives would be a good thing, but I don't believe we really need to go overboard with getting that kind of business in.

Keith Parris

We're going to go overboard in making it nice.

Milton Mcgregor

He even went overboard with the safety. Life can be ironic.

Chad Swank

Fortunately for us, we didn't feel we needed to go overboard like we did last year on short-order unscripted shows.

Preston Beckman

I just don't think this was the thing to do, they went overboard with this one.

Brent Carpenter

This is a project that is being done because they have the resources to do it and [because] people have gone overboard in their [eagerness] to digitize everything.

Michael Gorman

The township has gone overboard in order to avoid controversy and move the matter along, so no claim of good faith could be made.

Lawrence Sager

The H-shares are crazy. They've gone overboard.

Linus Yip

There's a number that resulted from marital conflicts. It's always the man who goes overboard, never the woman.

Ross Klein

Pushing over the altar, I have to say it, was a bit overboard. It's not exactly like I knew what I was doing. I couldn't see, and I can't explain it any more.

Adam Joseph Turgeon