28 quotes about outdated follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We no longer have to worry about outdated equipment that may fail.

Daniel Kelly

We feel that the concept of holding a new car launch at the beginning of each year, just for the sake of it, is outdated.

Mike Gascoyne

Don't you think that's really outdated, especially since we spend a 'gazillion' dollars on technology?

Mary Gill

U Hall was outdated - and it didn't have the mystique of Cameron, where they could get away with having that old building down there.

Gus Gerard

A lot of things have happened since we made our original offer. It is outdated.

Rafael Villaseca

Our Northern California congressional district has been ground zero for many tragic events from an outdated and inflexible ESA, including ... the Klamath Basin water shut-off of 2001.

Wally Herger

I don't believe in a hope chest of music. This is all new music that I've written over the last couple years, so none of it is old-fashioned or outdated.

Andrew Hill

Japan can't afford to have an outdated political system. If it was a company, it would have long been bankrupt.

Takafumi Horie

Governments have an opportunity to bring real consumer benefits by applying the European copyright directive rules and phasing out the outdated levies system.

Francisco Mingorance

We are extremely overcrowded. The schools are also very outdated. The new buildings that would replace them would have the latest technology.

Benjamin Soria

Aviation is a key driver of the global economy... yet it remains shackled by an outdated regulatory framework.

Andrew Herdman

I believe we've defined eligibility for that program based on outdated attitudes about what people with significant disabilities are capable of doing in the workplace.

Andrew Imparato

That shows that the current system is outdated. We must transform this system.

Du Ying

Today, the courts are being asked to apply outdated patent criteria to new technology, making decisions where there really are no clear guidelines.

Rich Koch

There is a lot of demand to fill hotels and the convention center in a market bound by outdated labor jurisdictions.

Anthony Abbate

[It is] what I consider, basically, an old, outdated, uneconomic, and highly dangerous technology.

Christopher Flavin

A legislator can have as many hearings as they want, but a man with no options is a man with no options. Politics fails when continued operations kick in, and states have milked outdated operations as much as they can.

Jim Krouse

Analyzing anything negative that affects their score and aggressively disputing anything erroneous, unverifiable, or outdated.

Marguerite Fischer

It was so outdated (City Council) couldn't hardly do anything. It keeps them more in tune with current laws and helps the council do their jobs a little better.

Brandon Moore

It's all old. It's all outdated. It needs someone who's prepared to invest.

Wayne Butson

We don't need to create the scar, because the technology itself will be outdated. Does the city then become a grand and glorious broom-pusher following behind cell companies cleaning up the problems?

Scott Grossberg

Small businesses provide 75 percent of new U.S. jobs and are the backbone of our economy, and no outdated ban should be keeping small business owners from collecting the same interest their money could earn if it were held by an individual.

Sue Kelly

Local governments must have more authority to address local and regional water concerns. The one-size-fits-all method where water is controlled from Phoenix is outdated and very ineffective.

Pat Call

Today, the U.S. Congress declares America's independence from hanging chads, butterfly ballots and a broken outdated election system that nearly provoked a constitutional crisis two years ago.

Steny Hoyer

The retail market has been holding onto the outdated concept that people need to touch and feel the jewelry.

Liz Chatelain

These boomers know the difficulties of being caregivers. They know the lives of family caregivers are made more difficult by public policies that are outdated.

Suzanne Mintz

Above and beyond that, the plant is operating at near or at capacity. It is outdated.

Bill Deadrick

Our current facilities, although still functional, are seriously outdated and inefficient. The new facility will allow us to operate more efficiently and will provide a higher level of service to the community.

Bob Keller