12 quotes about onboard follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It is a tremendous honor to be called onboard by Rick to lead A1 Team USA into Brands Hatch. I am very excited to carry the American flag into competition and will do my best to represent the U.S.

Scott Speed

It takes awhile to get people onboard. We're really happy with where we are.

Dave Goldberg

Everybody in the soccer community has jumped onboard. Regardless of our individual agendas at the youth clubs and the college level and beyond, everybody has kind of embraced it and it's united the soccer community.

Chris Price

They will naturally come apart as the tracks widen -- about 80 feet. Once we get them separated, we'll go onboard.

Perry Cooper

I did miss having a shower, particularly to clean my hair up. But otherwise what we did onboard was certainly very workable.

Bill Shepherd

It's just the same kind of arresting gear that they use onboard aircraft carriers.

John Massey

On MSN001 the extend/retract test was initially carried out using an external hydraulic supply, and tests with onboard supply are due to begin on 22 November.

Mark Cousin

We're hoping that other counties will be onboard. We're hoping this will spread and we can keep it going.

Kay Phillips

This is landowner initiated, but we're onboard 100 percent.

Gary Olson

We haven't come in here expecting to take business from everybody. We're coming in and offering the Virgin brand...and we're offering a different experience onboard.

Andrew Fyfe

Under no circumstance should potentially dangerous weapons be allowed onboard an aircraft.

Patricia Friend

My new employees had been competing against me for so long, they were afraid to have their competitor become their new boss. They resented the fact that we were onboard. I didn't know how hostile it would be.

Dick Wheeler