My sense is that we're sitting among greatness, and your proudest accomplishments have not yet occurred.

Raymond Bryant

I think it literally might not have occurred to women to pick up a guitar and play.

Brad Tolinski

I'm not saying that this would not have occurred in New Orleans in this situation, ... I am saying that there would have been less flooding if all the projects had been funded.

Mike Parker

We can't know the number of accidents that haven't occurred.

Lt. David Waltemeyer

Asarco doesn't concede that any violation occurred, because it was a commercial chemical product and couldn't become a waste until it was discarded or the decision was made to discard it.

Tom Aldrich

The decision in her mind had been made that she was acknowledging the circumstances that occurred.

William Stephens

The damage that occurred is a result, not an act of God, but an inaction and action of man.

Linda Pasadava

What happened tonight, that couldn't happen any other way, is that face-to-face communication occurred.

Bob Mccarthy

Any form of hazing must be eradicated from our league. I feel comfortable in stating that the activity which occurred on the Spitfires bus is not common and will never be tolerated.

David Branch

We're conducting our independent investigation to document the circumstances surrounding the death of the person who was fleeing the scene of a burglary, but we found no reason to believe anything improper occurred.

Maria Oropeza

The $24 million is really not an accurate representation of what occurred. It's really important for everyone to look at the big picture and wait for our response.

John Drew

All of the Mets road wins against the Dodgers this year occurred at Dodger Stadium.

Ralph Kiner

The state of Florida would have never required her to take her veil off if 9-11 had not occurred.

Howard Marks

Even if Marc were charged with offences arising out of the 2004 campaign, all of his action or inaction would have occurred prior to being put on bail, and those cannot be held to be violating bail conditions.

Kirk Tousaw

It also occurred to me, what's the nature of the emergency? They did not point that out.

David Burton

If proper safeguards had been in place, these assaults may never have occurred.

Peter Simonson

Some of the most significant thefts have occurred during the last four years.

Christopher Cox

I am not aware that it has occurred before.

Douglas Duncan

One priority is if the private land is adjacent to forest land, near where a fire occurred. That's where the beetles will be coming from.

Amanda Milburn

What we think occurred is that analysts became too euphoric about earnings expectations at some targeted companies and, unfortunately, they were the first ones to report.

John Augustine

It's aimed at helping businesses cover their operating expenses had the disaster not occurred.

Carol Chastang

No one that can commit the crime that occurred in this case can still be the smiling, happy go-lucky young man that worked at Burger King.

Joseph Hartzler

The Cambrian explosion occurred within an exceedingly narrow window of geologic time, lasting no more than 5 million years.

Stephen Meyer

The Coast Guard's performance in the terrible devastation that occurred illustrates not only the competence and the courage, but it also reminds us that too often we have taken the Coast Guard for granted.

Dan Lungren

The explosion which occurred at the parking lot of a military training center here at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday claimed the lives of nine and injured 36 others.

Zahir Azimi

As with all species, we have limited ability to control broad-scale habitat changes that have occurred. One thing we can control is the hunting season.

Eric Holman

Many significant changes and events have occurred in the past two decades.

Eric Gill

George the Third / Ought never to have occurred. / One can only wonder / At so grotesque a blunder.

Eric Bentley

There is a legitimate fear on the part of some African-Americans that it is happening. I don't know of a place where this kind of demographic shift has ever occurred. It is a huge, huge shift.

Elliott Stonecipher

I don't that Mr. Entwistle will ever be able to get a fair trial ... because of what has occurred in the publicity surrounding this event.

Elliot M. Weinstein

It is clear this is going to trigger a lot of voting that might not have otherwise occurred.

Earl De Berge