8 quotes about monarch follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Let him who plays the monarch be a king; Who plays the rogue, be perfect in his part.

Thomas Erskine

Monarch: The Life and Reign of Elizabeth II.

Robert Lacey

She is incredibly fit. But we remind staff that she's not just the monarch, but our mother. There's no need to do six engagements in a day.

Prince Andrew

Monarch has so many fans. I firmly believe in my heart that somewhere out there is a perfect home for this dog. He certainly deserves that.

Nicole Sharpe

They are interested in conservation and the issues involved in saving monarch habitats in both the United States and Mexico.

Chip Taylor

The monarch has become a symbol for cross border co-operation in North America. Let's hope it doesn't become the symbol of our common failure to protect the environment.

Homero Aridjis

Who wouldn't want a beautiful young monarch? It appeals to the glamorous Hollywood image that we have of a monarch.

Ingrid Seward

King Sihanouk was an absolute monarch in the 1940s and 1950s. No one could publicly disagree with anything the king said. In the throne room, even ministers had to approach the king on their hands and knees because everyone's head had to be below the level of the king's feet.

Philip Short