Chip Taylor
FameRank: 6

"James Wesley Voight", better known by the stage name "Chip Taylor", is an American songwriter, noted for writing "Angel of the Morning" and "Wild Thing (The Troggs song)/Wild Thing."

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What we did was create a program last April that acknowledges the fact we are in deep trouble in the United States through habitat loss. With massive habitat loss, we've got to do something.

Nothing like this has been done. It's really a marvelous adventure and one that very few people would even think about as a possibility because it is risky.

These butterflies are the symbol of richness of biological diversity and marvelous scientific aspect.

They are interested in conservation and the issues involved in saving monarch habitats in both the United States and Mexico.

When I got started with this, it appeared that the whole migration was just chaos pushed by weather, totally unpredictable. It turns out you can predict to within two or three days where they are going to be, and they make this migration on the basis of some celestial change.

This is perfect. That is exactly what I anticipated they would find today.

Monarchs do this quite a bit but we don't how much they do it.

In 2004, there was not a good recovery because of the low spring population, the summer being extremely cold, and the loss of habitat in the upper Midwest.

If we lose the whole migration, we lose one of the nation's most magnificent phenomenon.