I think the market is converging now, ... This a natural step that all things go mobile. This is where it has all been leading.

Douglas Smith

Most mobile consumers are no long on their first phone. So they are going to have a higher standard, as they know the mobile is going to be visible to people around them.

Michelle De Lussanet

We are introducing ... 12 new processors for every mobile PC segment, including the fastest processor.

Frank Spindler

The market is entering a cyclical downturn as net additions slow. Net adds are a key indicator of growth in the mobile infrastructure market. 2006 outlook looks challenging.

Richard Windsor

Like the charge for newborn blood tests and a crib mobile. That stopped me in my tracks. As far as I know, my husband never had a baby.

Nora Johnson

There is an enormous crowd of extremely famous people here sitting on the lawn chatting on their mobile phones.

Brian May

We are confident that mobile TV will be an exciting new service for consumers, as well as generate new opportunities for innovation and growth in the mobile and media industries.

Richard Sharp

The new book that is being launched today not only details the ways in which mobile phones can be hacked but also explains how this can be avoided. So far, there has not been any book, globally, on mobile hacking.

Ankit Fadia

They have some very big challenges in the mobile business in Germany and the UK and also in broadband in Germany.

James Golob

As mobile technology continues to converge, consumers are becoming increasingly more connected and require access to information at home, at work, and on the road.

Deep Nishar

We see this as an important step in our efforts to work cooperatively with the [mobile-phone] industry.

Bob Muglia

There are many advantages to being based here - it's a more mobile market, and there is access to lower development costs through outsourcing.

Doug Richard

The cost of using your mobile phone abroad is hard to believe.

Viviane Reding

It's been a very good year for South Africa's mobile operators.

Reg Rumney

Text messaging is popular for two reasons: It's mobile, and it's quiet.

Amanda Lenhart

It's a mobile! See, look at this. A mobile. See? There are surprises. Go ahead and look in them.

Sharon Morgan

I'm not easy, but eight times times out of ten I'll give a guy my mobile number.


This first confirmed case means we're more aggressively following up on the contacts we've had with suspected cases. We're not surprised to find a confirmed case, given our highly mobile population.

Judy Friederichs

This is an exciting time for people who want a single mobile device that does more than e-mail.

Scott Horn

The most exciting thing about the mobile download market is that it is new and fresh. It's like the internet was a few years ago - people are just beginning to realise its potential.

Robert Swift

The mobile home industry knows very well nobody loves them, and they see this as a chance to be acceptable.

Andres Duany

Cars have become the next big untapped platform for mobile e-services.

Ken Enders

Mr. Potato Head has never been much of a mobile-type toy. He's always about making funky combinations, putting his face where his arm should be.

Dean Gorby

The purpose of the Mobile Marketing Association is to safeguard this new form of spam that is literally in your face.

Gary Ruskin

Vodafone is clearly a major force in the mobile phone space.

Paul Kavanagh

Every mobile-home park not zoned mobile home is more vulnerable to redevelopment than one that is zoned mobile home.

Elizabeth Black

The mobile-home housing component is quite pronounced in Steamboat Springs.

Elizabeth Black

We might know where mobile data users are -- they're usually sitting at a desk. But with voice, we really can be mobile.

Ellen Daley

Mobile phones today are more like television when I was a kid.

Edward Zander

We carry on looking for housing opportunities for the evacuees along with the local housing authority, like vacant houses and apartments, mobile homes. We try to match the needs with the resources, with a family-by-family approach.

Ed Conley