While housing discrimination and segregation in 2005 still affect millions of people, that's not the way it has to be. Some things can change and should.

Bruce Hornsby

There are tens of millions of people living alone now. There are more people living on their own than there are living in nuclear families today.

Barbara Feldon

It's not that we believe that by streaming our San Antonio station's signal that we will suddenly develop millions of listeners in the Yukon.

Bob Ezrin

Well I was out in my four door With the top down. And I looked up and there they were: Millions of tiny teardrops Just sort of hanging there And I didn't know whether to laugh or cry And I said to myself: What next big sky?

Laurie Anderson

To really hit the mass market...in the hundreds of thousands and the millions of customers, we have to improve.

Mika Krammer

Millions of American seniors will soon be eligible for significant savings on the annual cost of their medications.

Mary Grealy

The calls of millions of educators for a 'growth model' that truly reflects the great progress we are making in the classroom.

Greg Weaver

If it's proven in a court of law she was wronged, she can sue for millions because this is defamation of character.

Bill Russell

Americans are fed up with the tens of millions of unsolicited, sexually explicit e-mails received every day.

John Richter

We will ship millions in '06, hopefully tens of millions.

Gilles Delfassy

Add water, wait seven days and cover up. Because they're coming to town hungry, by the millions.

Jim Olson

It's not about wanting to make more and more millions. It's because I want to control certain aspects of my new career.

Chris Tarrant

Those people should put all their millions of dollars together and make a factory that builds athlete-robots. Athletes are human beings. We have feelings, too. How can you ask someone to live in the world, to exist in the world, and not have something to say about injustice?

John Carlos

If I do not return to the pulpit this weekend, millions of people will go to hell.

Jimmy Swaggart

I think it's definitely in the millions.

Jeanie Mamo

Texas has about a 40 percent match, so that would just have been millions upon millions of dollars.

Chris Paulitz

It's an industry that's willing to donate millions. It doesn't matter that much when they can reap billions.

Alex Knott

The death of millions of Jews, homosexuals, Roma, is in no way comparable to cartoons or the burning of flags. We cannot talk to you if you deal with this in this manner.

Veronique De Keyser

The huge responsibility we have is that we have to answer to our customers, and our customers represent potentially hundreds of millions of different configurations.

Stephen Toulouse

I'm concerned about the hundreds of thousands of people, millions of people who come into our outpatient clinics having a decent, respectful institution.

John Stroger

Advertisers are paying millions to companies whose practices are often borderline and an annoyance to Web users. The problem is what to put in place of distributed advertising.

Michael Hamilton

We have saved the county millions since its inception.

Paul Tesi

There are a lot of challenges for people who are low income. There are significant resources being put in by drug companies, and millions of consumers are benefiting from these programs. This is just a good excuse for them to get out of those programs.

Lynda Delaforgue

Little did we know it would be watched by millions of people and break viewing records.

Douglas Wilson

With 64 games overall, and 100,000 spectators for each and every game, we will reach millions on a scale of incredible magnitude.

Andreas Herren

They've got only one guy who comes back from the dead. We've got millions.

Sarah Polley

Zach was unbelievable. That's why he's got all those millions. He just has to be consistent.

Ruben Patterson

Taxpayers who can itemize and fail to do so are literally leaving millions of dollars of overpaid taxes with the government.

Mark Steber

Here is a government, a feckless federal government, who spent millions of taxpayer dollars to wage an assault on all our constitutional rights.

Pamelyn Ferdin

It's too early to say, but the damage (to the tourism industry) is potentially in the tens of millions of dollars.

Chris James

An economy growing at 7 percent per year, can and must find the resources ... to improve the lives of its millions of poor.

Sonia Gandhi

Kenneth Lay is charged with abusing his powerful position as chairman of the board and CEO and repeatedly lying in an effort to cover up the financial collapse that caused devastating harm to millions of Americans.

Christopher Wray

Maybe. But running backs in the NFL make millions of dollars.

Aaron Wies

I don't know what it is, but I can't look at Hulk Hogan and believe that he's the end result of millions and millions of years of evolution.

Jim Murray

It takes more than just being depressed. There are thousands or maybe millions of people who are depressed clinically.

Lanny Berman

It will probably be one of the biggest funerals in Hartford, but not all of it will have to do with boxing. It's because of the millions of things he did for people in Hartford. He helped people all over the city.

John Scully

Take away millions of dollars from the Coast when the Coast needs that money most.

Eric Clark

I will come again, and I will be millions.

Evita Perón

He earns some millions a year in England, it's for us impossible to do something.

Erwin Koeman

You're looking at decades. But I also think you're potentially looking at hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars.

Eric Epstein

These companies, which were Europe's biggest companies, looked at their financial sheets and looked at millions of dead people, and they figured, 'Hey, we don't have to pay on any of these policies,'.

Edward Fagan

My wife and I were talking this morning, and I said 'What if all Americans said they were not going to drive, everyone parked their cars, what would the oil companies do?' I bet they would lose millions.

Eddie Rodriguez

This is about growth, ... There are millions of people around the world who want that familiar Windows experience.

Ed Colligan

It wouldn't hurt if the millions of his fans would start to pray for him. Don, as do I ... believe in the power of prayer.

Fred Brown

You will not only face 50,000 angry workers but millions more when they take to the streets.

Zwelinzima Vavi