19 quotes about migrate follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Cable operators all around the country are trying to migrate their customers to digital so eventually . . . they can reclaim some of that analog bandwidth.

Aditya Kishore

I'm convinced over time, all voice communication will migrate to the Internet.

Niklas Zennstrom

These bad practices start with the high-rate cards and then they migrate to the cards that everyone else holds and then they become very intense in the marketplace.

Gail Hillebrand

If nobody's buying PCs then nobody is buying chips and nobody is buying equipment, ... Having a healthier demand environment gives chip makers more confidence to migrate to leading edge equipment.

Patrick Ho

Less of a tendency for the U.S. population to migrate to another platform.

Duncan Brown

As we migrate customers from NetWare to OES, we're putting more resources in OES and less in NetWare.

Bill Hewitt

Some of those jobs are still going to migrate back down to Cincinnati, where Federated is located. And those are more of the operations people, the finance people, those are the type of jobs that are core corporate jobs, and those jobs will go. So it's not that there won't be something (of a) direct impact locally. There will be some.

Dave Brennan

There would be cost and complexity, and the key for many business users, the reason they wouldn't migrate, is because it would just be too much effort for very little demonstrated need.

Michael Silver

We would expect money to migrate to the faster-growing businesses because people are much more interested in the growth side.

Richard Steinberg

They used to migrate to here. Now they migrate from here. They may go to work in Florida, North Carolina, New York. But they come back here.

Ramon Ramirez

Depending on the industry you're in 10 percent to 80 percent of employees can migrate to a Linux desktop now.

David Patrick

Working with the Internet2 community, we will be building more powerful applications that will be feasible only on a backbone like Abilene, ... We hope this will lead customers into the next era of e-business as these applications migrate over to the commercial Internet.

John Patrick

Our interpretation is they're not going to allow anything close enough to the plume that could adversely affect that plume or cause it to migrate.

Keith Morgan

Eyeballs are shifting. Advertisers need to migrate toward those eyeballs in those platforms. In-game advertising is one way to do that.

Bruce Friend

While we do not know how aggressively Netscape will be marketed, we believe that AOL TW will selectively use its content as a competitive differentiator, and to try and migrate users to AOL.

Mark Zadell

If it's migrated to this point it could migrate further.

Dr. Maurizio Miglietta

They may migrate in a direction, either up or down, depending on which bank becomes the lead on the consumer side.

George Albright

If Merced comes along and offers differentiation, we can migrate the Alpha platforms, ... With the delays, I wonder how long people will give credibility to Merced.

John Randolph

They're learning about the hazards of birds who migrate.

Diane Digiacomo