11 quotes about maple follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Maple is in high demand for furniture and cabinets, and walnut and cherry bring a high price because it's hard to find in quantity and quality.

Billy Thomas

What we're being told is the potency is greater than ice. That's a little concerning. It's going to be harder to identify because it can be concealed more easily. They say it looks like maple syrup.

Rob Savage

We had a white cake with a pink Canadian maple leaf in the middle of the cake.

Anita David

The minute you damage any sugar maple, like taking bark off from it, you have just about killed that tree.

Robert Strong

In Toronto, the Maple Leaf emblem is as strong as the New York Yankees.

Alan Adams

Gap owned the white-wall-and-maple-floor look. But everyone caught up.

Jeff Henry

A blood good Japanese maple was given to us by our sweet neighbors, Edgar and Lillian Robinson, who have become sort of our adoptive grandparents.

Karen Brackett

I don't oppose this project, but we need to do something about parking and we need not to close Maple.

Kevin Clark

Maple was a 1 1 / 2 -lane dirt road when we first came out here. Nobody could have guessed how much Amherst would grow.

Pat Mchugh

Those jackets look just fine on them. But you just know everyone gets up a little more to play you. You should get up to play everyone here anyway, but there's something about seeing that maple leaf that adds something.

Colleen Jones

Most all the courts are maple now. The wood is strong enough, and it's got a good color to it.

Chip Howard