Maple is in high demand for furniture and cabinets, and walnut and cherry bring a high price because it's hard to find in quantity and quality.

There will be time afterwards to ask the experts any questions landowners might have. The speakers will give 10- to 15-minute talks on their topics.

You need to know what you have and what the land will support, keeping your future forest in mind. You need to ensure that you have enough seedling coming on to give you mature trees in the future.

Trails also provide access in case of fire and provide foresters access for management practices.

I pride myself in being professional and being ready when the opportunity presents itself. (I'm) just being hungry to stay in the league, being prepared and thankful for the opportunity the coaching staff gave me and the confidence the players have in me.

Forests provide a lot of benefits to society like (the conservation of) soil, water, and wildlife, but it takes management to realize potential.

We'll have eight speakers, and they will cover a lot of topics. It's an introduction to the components of forest management, geared towards absentee landowners.

The first step is to get some professional technical guidance. The Kentucky Division of Forestry offers free forest assessments, or you can hire a paid consultant.

The health of our forests are being challenged by fragmentation and (the absence) of management. We're targeting absentee landowners because they are often the most responsive and have the resources to get the work done.