21 quotes about livelihood follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The avocation of assessing the failures of better men can be turned into a comfortable livelihood, providing you back it up with a Ph.D.

Nelson Algren

We're just as frustrated as our customers-this is our livelihood too. Retailers have had stunning, unprecedented price increases in one day alone-some as much as 46 cents.

Bob Bartlett

Many people say, 'Judge, I will do anything, just let me keep my license, driving is my livelihood.

Doug Hughes

His career is at stake. His livelihood is at stake. Of course he is disappointed.

Steve Wolfson

It is through this economic development that they can deal with these imbalances. The central government knows that unless they improve the livelihood of their people year-on-year, it really sort of challenges their existence.

Peter Woo

I'm very concerned. I mean, you know, this is our livelihood. I've got a lot of employees, a lot of students that are employed here. And I know they depend on their income.

Craig Inouye

We are tired of seeing our livelihood destroyed.

Doug Jenkins

It's almost like she's determined to shut us down. (But) this is our livelihood.

Pat Carlton

We remain deeply concerned for the future of our business and the livelihood of thousands of our staff and subcontractors.

Duncan Robertson

It supports a sustainable livelihood and fair wages for the farmers.

Rod Moyer

The cost to agriculture has exceeded US$10 billion (euro8.3 billion). The livelihood of around 300 million farmers has been affected.

Dr Margaret Chan

I'm trying to be sympathetic to a group of professionals and something they do as part of their livelihood.

Sen Richard Sears

At first, I was a little worried. I know this is my livelihood. They show you a video and they say all the bad things that can happen to you.

Kelly Herndon

It is a question of livelihood for 5,000 families. We are all jobless.

Ghulam Vhora

If you close a club at 12 midnight, you are killing their source of livelihood.

Botsalo Ntuane

When you have a two-year exemption, there is no excitement in going to a tournament. It is when you are in danger of losing your livelihood, you have to get a grip of the situation.

Jarmo Sandelin

Our livelihood is gone. What you see is what I have, and nothing else.

Art Morgan

Their whole livelihood had been taken away in one foul swoop.


Our entire livelihood is based on passengers coming in here, and there are a lot of islands competing that are cheaper and easier to get to. If you add in a hassle factor, are they going to return?

Joanne Bohr

It's going to be absolutely draconian. It's going to cause my folks to lose their livelihood, their inheritance, their self-esteem and their faith in government.

Chuck Ford

The failure to follow scientific advice and the fish kills of 2002 is now being put onto the backs of family fishermen by taking away their livelihood.

Zeke Grader