11 quotes about labour follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Labour has overseen an extended period of high growth, relatively low inflation, low unemployment-high job creation - and yet it has a fight on its hands.

Richard Shaw

His name is vaguely familiar. Basically, I agree with everything the New Labour candidate said about the First Minister.

Jack Mcconnell

Learn to labour and to wait.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Delta's problem is not labour, it's debt. Until they can restructure their debt, they are in big trouble.

Michael Boyd

Let us, then be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labour and to wait.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Mr Blunkett has also always said he is proud of his working-class background, so we hope that has not been drummed out of him by New Labour and he can find a way of helping working-class people.

John Benson

As a camel beareth labour, and heat, and hunger, and thirst, through deserts of sand, and fainteth not; so the fortitude of a man shall sustain him through all perils.


Both business and labour, and government officials are starting to say: 'We need to change the way the department operates'.

Joe Volpe

I didn't come into politics to change the Labour Party. I came into politics to change the country.

Tony Blair

Labour and the Lib Dems have turned the council tax into a tartan stealth tax.

David Davidson

It's a classic Labour hype.

Nicola Sturgeon