Airlines have already cut the services they can cut, now cuts will have to come from somewhere else. The food is already nonexistent.

Northwest can survive if they have to go into bankruptcy, ... These labor unions have to take it upside the head. Their next job will be at the Wal-Mart.

Delta's problem is not labour, it's debt. Until they can restructure their debt, they are in big trouble.

They were just too strong over the ball and made the most of every opportunity, whereas we struggled to get going all day, ... We're really proud of the boys but Terang just kicked the goals when they counted.

Delta's problem is not labor, it's debt. They have achieved labor cuts, and can achieve more because they have only two unions. But until they can restructure their debt, they are in big trouble.

They have to recast what they're doing on the East Coast because it doesn't work any more, ... They have to shove more of their flights to feed their East to West traffic and less flights between North to South traffic.

Frontier Airlines is already losing money. JetBlue and AirTran are on the edge, and Southwest, had it not hedged fuel, would be losing money. Anything with a wing has problems with today's fuel prices. But if oil had stayed where it was a year ago, like we thought it would, we'd be talking today about how profitable the airlines are today.

If fuel hadn't gone up, we'd be talking about how profitable these legacy carriers are.

In 20 minutes, the airline would be dead, ... This is an airline that's hanging by a string. It's incumbent on both sides to keep the airline flying. Even going forward, it's got challenges.