22 quotes about intake follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I went through intake and I went through the health department to see what kind of help me and my daughter (can get) and what type of medicine they can get for us.

Keisha White

These questionnaires don't capture everything. Reported intake is not a good estimate of real intake.

Bruce Trock

Watch your intake of calories from alcohol and sugared soft drinks. Liquid calories don't make you full so you will eat more.

Sarah Ash

1,200 calories a day is the lowest you should go on food intake.

Denis Medeiros

The nutrient impacts are a great concern. A girl who drank 200 grams [about 8 ounces] a day decreased calcium intake by 7 milligrams, compared to one who drank only 100 grams [4 ounces].

Douglas Thompson

If you don't follow the diet and reduce fat intake, you can have oil leakage. You're not a fun date.

Roberta Anding

Children are very good at regulating their food intake if we allow them to do that.

Sherri Flynt

Becoming obese is a normal response to the American environment. If the environment continues to encourage high (food) intake and low activity, then we'll all be overweight.

James Hill

It was amazing. It did increase dry matter intake and it cured our fines problem. We have been feeding some kind of co-product ever since.

Marlin Nilsson

That means his maintenance requirement goes up and there's less energy available for gain so you end up with the same feed intake but less average daily gain for the day.

Robbi Pritchard

The primary intake structure only has one gate that's functional. Once the dam is complete, it will have three.

George Campbell

Considering the benefits that I've seen, I don't think that it would hurt to increase calcium intake through low-fat dairy.

Cedric F. Garland

We need consumers to recognize the importance of cutting salt intake.

Dr Susan Jebb

At the end, there was an audible intake of breath. They realized this is a cut above.

Katie Gardner

We have a number of guests who want to come here more often but hesitate because they are appropriately sensitive to managing their calorie intake.

Finley Peter Dunne

We still do believe . . . that maintaining an adequate calcium intake will lay the foundation for bone health.

Rebecca Jackson

When you sell the cattle at the end, you probably have the same overall feed intake, but your average daily gain won't be as good and your feed conversion will be higher so your feed cost to gain goes up.

Robbi Pritchard

She can intake air, but she can't swallow on her own.

Denise Monteiro

The City of Alberni used to have their water intake on Roger Creek.

Kenny Scott

Increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake through foods is preferable.

Alice Lichtenstein

A Quantitative Analysis of Prenatal Intake of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cognitive Development.

Joshua Cohen

Increasing fruit and vegetable intake is the most important step Americans can take to make healthy food choices and achieve better health.

Dr. Elizabeth Pivonka