43 quotes about informing follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's not a case of asking permission. We have to inform them (the IRB) and I've done that verbally and I've also sent a letter.

Johan Prinsloo

We contend that Apple has done next to nothing to inform consumers regarding these issues.

Steve Berman

They'll say he's afraid to debate and is not willing to inform the public of his views.

John Straayer

Our first goal is to get people to the event and inform them.

Anabella Hedman

We have had to inform them of how the matter is progressing.

Gary Buhrmann

We want to inform students what cheating is, what plagiarism is, and what happens if you do it.

Kyle Martin

At this point we are comfortable with our relationship with the CDC and confident that they will inform us if the situation changes that mandates a different approach.

Katherine Andrus

This event is to inform students about safe sex and STDs.

Jonathan Kerry

One part (of the Earth Day celebration) is raising awareness of The Gardens and another part is informing the public on how they can enhance their own local environments.

Doug Conley

We will be informing our clients, the Department of Corrections, of this stay. We will continue to defend the state on this matter.

Scott Holste

We're pleased with the data we've gathered and will use it to inform future experiments we conduct on different aspects of the print process.

Barry Schnitt

I am writing to inform you that I shall resign my position as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, effective February 28, 2003, ... This decision is a difficult one.

Glenn Hubbard

We all mourn the work that he won't get to go on and do, but there is consolation in the way his legacy will continue to inform the American experience for generations to come, and the Rep was a part of that.

James Bundy

The government had an obligation to tell and inform all EU citizens of our voting rights. They didn't do this.

David Ball

Greece has two months in which to inform the commission of the measures it intends to take to comply with the decision.

Jacques Barrot

There was a feeling of too many uncivil acts on campus. This was to inform the floors and have the floors take a stance that this is not acceptable.

Paul Goldblatt

The function of the press in society is to inform, but its role in society is to make money.

A. J. Liebling

Our intent is to inform (acting Gov. Codey) that there is a great voting bloc that are for marriage of one man to one woman.

David Ireland

We inform parents so they're aware of the issues and what their students may be doing at home.

Cathy Williams

This survey indicates it is more important than ever for us to focus our efforts on informing the public about stuttering.

Jane Fraser

The idea is to try to get people who would be in a position to go back and inform other folks.

Dr. Ned Calonge

The (2005) data will inform the allocation for the caps in the second phase.

Barbara Helfferich

Has anyone supposed it lucky to be born? I hasten to inform him or her that it is just as lucky to die, and I know it.

Walt Whitman

I want to inform people about the cruelty that goes on with the chicken they sell. I'm doing my best to get the word out.

Lauren Johnson

The Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have [to] bare the secrets of government and inform the people.

Hugo Black

We are doing another hard hit of informing people of the laws.

Dave Baker

They said it means to inform.

Harold Frazier

We don't expect a decision by the committee for some weeks. When we have any indication of any news, we will inform our employees first and the community after that, but for now, there's just nothing to say.

Marc Schwartz

I hope that no one ever again has to inform his or her family of a death or injury caused by a dangerous exotic animal.

Mike Good

You and I need to inform the public of the peaking of oil and the energy crisis that is coming in the future - renewable energy is our way out.

Roscoe Bartlett

We're not going to burn down an embassy. We feel it's part of our responsibility to inform the public about who they're dealing with.

Gil Stein

It should be the damned duty of a friendly nation to inform their partner.

Rudolf Scharping

How can they sack me through the press without informing me? They totally have no respect for me.

Muhammad Abbas

The least (church officials) can do ... is inform neighbors of where they are residing now.

Barbara Blaine

We are always trying to help Sailors in any way possible. Hopefully this will inform Sailors to not impulse-buy a car.

Felipe Gonzalez

Veterans do your part in informing colleagues and friends and put them in touch with VA services.

Dean Darling

You can't know who is abused if he or she hasn't told you. But for some who inform us about the abuse, we try as hard as possible to protect them from danger.

Nathan Mpoza

Now their freedom has been secured, informing parliament about all the conditions of how the discussions have unfolded since August is the least thing that can be done.

Francois Hollande

Merely informing a person that they will get an HIV test should not be sufficient for consent.

Lisa Winters

I feel the city let us down by not informing us. I don't think the tower should be put over here. It should be in a commercial area.

Jacqueline Wilson

If the company expects the outlook to change in any material way, it will, in accordance with its continuous disclosure obligations, inform the market.

Virgin Blue

We don't want to scare you, but we want to inform you.

Cara Cassella

Clothes are part of the character. They can't but help inform who you are.

Jill Clayburgh