17 quotes about incorrect follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

To govern is to correct. If you set an example by being correct, who would dare remain incorrect?


While much of the criticism is factually incorrect or misleading, it is undoubtedly having a political impact.

Macquarie Equities

Dams are politically incorrect, even though levees are inherently unstable.

John Doolittle

The information referencing soy ingredients in foods and extraction methods is incorrect.

Patricia Murphy

As to our corporate bosses in New York, it's not my place to say their view is incorrect. But while we embrace new technologies, we do so with deliberation, caution and forethought.

Alan Horn

To say there is no policy is incorrect.

Louis Pitschmann

It's too lurid for some and too politically incorrect for others.

Arthur Brief

We're getting back incorrect deductible amounts, incorrect co-pays. We're here on the front lines, getting the brunt of it all. Not every patient has these problems, but there's a lot of it going on.

Tony Jones

The urgency of . . . putting those programs in place with mandatory elements was based on this incorrect assessment.

Craig Benedetto

We're getting some very bad decisions and some very bad findings from the appeals board ... I think their findings are incorrect. I believe they have overstepped their bounds in the things they can or can't do.

Gregory Hardcastle

It's my opportunity to say all the things that are politically incorrect. It's all the stuff we're thinking about but don't say anymore.

Vicki Lawrence

If my mom reads that I'm grammatically incorrect I'll have hell to pay.

Larisa Oleynik

The Irish press is incorrect when they say a deal?s done when the deal?s not done.

Bill Diffenderffer

People just think fat is the devil incarnate, and that's an incorrect message.

Abby Bloch

Essentially Mel and Bill complained that I wasn't doing what the majority of the committee wanted. To claim that I'm not doing what the majority is asking is incorrect. It was obvious by the [no confidence] vote that I was.

Donald Defedele

It would be incorrect to say that these changes alone address those issues.

Larry Cohen

One of the great misconceptions is that people who have STDs know they have them, ... That is absolutely incorrect.

Edward Hook