9 quotes about hypothetical follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This is more alive in some ways because we're not talking hypothetical events.

Dr. Joseph Smith

To me it's entirely speculative and hypothetical.

David Shields

It looks great on paper, and I'm sure there's some things we could adjust, but until we get the board up and running, a lot of it is hypothetical.

John Best

Hypothetical questions get hypothetical answers.

Joan Baez

My response is that's a hypothetical. You don't know what any Supreme Court in the future is going to do.

Jerry Kilgore

What if, under that hypothetical scenario, they called in a dermatologist, an obstetrician and a psychiatrist.

Cyril Wecht

We're not there yet. It's a hypothetical.

Julie Benson

The Mainland Affairs Council currently has not received any formal applications and so I can't respond to hypothetical questions.

Joseph Wu

Ricky is under contract to the Dolphins, and we're not going to speculate about any hypothetical speculation.

Harvey Greene