24 quotes about hedge follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A hedge between keeps friendship green.

German Proverb

Roughly 95 percent of the hedge funds that we contacted said their costs had risen in 2005, and nearly half of the respondents expect their compliance costs to rise yet again.

Karan Sampson

The half mill was a hedge factor in case of emergency.

Mark Bryant

The hedge fund 'bubble,' while not popping, is no longer inflating.

Whitney Tilson

There is some comfort in the basic level of due diligence performed by a stock exchange on a listed hedge fund.

Peter Douglas

For most hedge funds, everything - up and down markets -- should be an opportunity rather than a detriment.

Michael Ocrant

Hedge funds continued their strong performance from December into January.

Oliver Schupp

It's kind of a hedge fund for everyone else. But unlike a hedge fund, our fund is so diversified that it hedges risk.

Vivienne Hsu

Global macro will produce the highest returns, followed by equity hedge funds.

Jose Luis Rodriguez

Derivatives cannot hedge derivatives for accounting purposes -- now or under FASB 133, ... Does Dave [Duncan] think his accounting works even under FASB 133? No way.

Carl Bass

Funds of hedge funds will have to evolve to survive ... It won't happen big bang, but through competitive forces.

Bill Maldonado

Credit derivatives and hedge funds have grown fairly spectacularly over the last five years.

Andrew Lo

We're seeing both real estate and hedge fund become more uncertain now, and if it's going to happen, we'll see the investment demand for gold.

Charles De Vaulx

There is a lot of speculation out there about what prompted the move. Some have said there may be another hedge fund blow-up out there.

Michelle Laughlin

We never invested in Sam Israel's hedge fund nor did one trade with his securities company.

Leon Cooperman

If there is an economic meltdown, base metals will get hit first. Precious metals are a hedge bet.

Anindya Mohinta

You have to wonder why [some companies] didn't hedge, because there was plenty of time along the way when they could have.

Marc Chandler

People are buying gold because it is now apparent that we are going to see massive inflation. Gold is the best hedge for inflation.

Leonard Kaplan

The growth of hedge funds is so intense and so big that we have nowadays hedge funds focused on certain industries like this one.

Jefferson Duarte

I think hedge fund managers have positioned themselves conservatively, ... We're near the bottom now. Almost all of them are conservatively positioned.

Barry Colvin

Exchange rates are an entirely different asset class, ... It gives an opportunity to hedge and also to make money.

Paul Montgomery

We want to hedge off any failures.

Scott Langel

With the equity market the way it is and the fixed-income market the way it is, many [investors] find hedge funds attractive.

Jefferson Duarte

It will definitely bring more pressure on the yuan, and hedge funds and hot money will take some action on this.

Zuo Xiaolei