20 quotes about glasses follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I never said a guy who wears glasses is a queer. A guy who wears glasses is a four-eyes; a guy who's a fag is a queer.

Archie Bunker

If that fails, they should politely ask the girl to remove the glasses in order to get a view of her true appearance.

Neil Sedlak

She said, 'I just love the guy in the glasses,' ... 'He's so funny.' .

Suzanne Lloyd

People should know that this program exists and collecting old eyeglasses is so easy. They can even be drugstore reading glasses.

Ina Elrod

You'll have to remove your glasses.

John Bean

Eventually, he had me on the ground. And that's when I grabbed his glasses and I threw them. And so, he started dragging me to get his glasses, and finally he just let me go.

Jean Burke

I see you're wearing glasses. I never saw you play with glasses before.

Guy Clark

I knew when I found those glasses, I found (the character).

Sissy Spacek

Men seldom make passes At girls who wear glasses.

Dorothy Parker

He was sitting on the couch in his pajamas. He had on his reading glasses, and he was facing the TV.

Tom Larson

He was Mr. Clean; he was every woman's dream. All his glasses were always perfectly arranged and the cabinets were spotless. His son said that if something was used that night, he would have cleaned it.

Christopher Plourd

I say drink one or two big glasses of water. Then, if you're still wanting the pop, drink the pop. Because you're still not going to drink as much of it.

Deborah Wilcox Jamieson

What's more fun than sitting in your living room in funny glasses?

Glenn Gordon Caron

It's really amazing. They're so much hotter when they wear the glasses.

Neil Sedlak

What glasses for which wine, which knife and fork -- that was what frightened them the most.

Diana Mather

He's legally blind, born like that, wears those Coke-bottle glasses.

Malcolm White

If you are getting some big work done, then this is also the year to get new glasses or get some dental work done.

Carol Thompson

Time was away and somewhere else, / There were two glasses and two chairs / And two people with one pulse.

Louis Macneice

I will have glasses again one day, but it's kind of fun being without them. I know I'm really happy about it, since I've worn them since I was 4.

Ed Haight

I see the resemblance in the hair and the glasses and the smile.

Ed Parker