It's more of a stock-picking market. But it's still a very diversified fund.

Eric Kobren

Measure T has enough to pay for the police precincts in its funding now.

Eric Frost

Even if we had a source of funding dedicated today, it's still five to 10 years off.

Eric Anderson

We probably have two, three years (before the stadium bond fund runs) a deficit.

Eric Stuckey

The jobs fund acts as a conduit and a catalyst for sustainable development initiatives in the state.

Ellen Kahler

Our school funding crisis has real impacts on student achievement.

Elizabeth Sullivan

We had a dramatic number of applications for the first one. We are trying to fund as many of these projects as we can.

Eddie Bumbaugh

I understand there's as much as $800,000 to $900,000 in that fund that could come to New York City.

Ed Boks