6 quotes about flops follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's not that the broadcasters struck out. There was just so much reality that there were more flops than successes.

Steve Sternberg

There I am in my flip-flops, ... I've already got calls from my friends - 'Your flip-flops are showing.'

J. Collins

We've had quite a few flops, actually. It's you're going to get into this, you have to expect some flops. We've had some sites that have bombed completely, and you have to say, 'OK, that's a loss,' and let go.

Heidi Perry

You can go in, in cut-offs and flip-flops, between shows, and not be annoyed by regular people.

Gary Beach

There are flip-flips and there are flip-flops and there are FLIP-FLOPS. Some are well made. Some are so flimsy. Some are just inexpensive and they break easily.

Doretha Edgecomb

I'll match my flops with anybody's but I wouldn't have missed 'em.

Rosalind Russell