17 quotes about fiber follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

That's one of the reasons why we're continuing to expand the amount of fiber network in the system.

Donna Chatman

I asked him what he was doing, and he told me he got into carbon fiber cellos.

Paul Rosenthal

It puts in a little cotton fiber and a little bit of color.

Jennie Rylee

The Internet changes everything. I now estimate what I'll need and then double it. More copper, more fiber, higher-density switches.

Mick Laver

We tap into what TV does. We have a fiber optic connection from the digital center.

Michael Cupo

County schools are not getting as good of technology because in the city, schools get to tap into the city fiber.

Curt Fuchs

You'll be able to put all fiber (paper products) into one area, and all containers (glass, plastic, etc.) into another.

Jennifer Weiss

The RDA for fiber is very realistic and not that hard to do.

Cheryl Rock

It feels like a luxury fiber. Michael is a fabric snob.

Nancy Mcgee

It's the Juice of the Fiber that feeds you.

Jay Kordich

The beauty of fiber is that it fills us up so we don't eat as much. And you feel full much more quickly than when you eat refined foods.

Dee Sandquist

The communities that don't have fiber are falling behind. Fiber to the doorstep of homes and businesses is where we are headed.

Jim Johnston

My issue with the fiber evidence is that it is not conclusive -- never has been, never will be.

Louis Graham

In addition to being a low-fat source of protein, beans are sky high in soluble fiber.

Sara Murkowski

Putting the fiber in gives us the ability to go to 1 Gigabit or greater to the desktop.

Gary Meyer

Fiber is important, as long as you keep it down.

Dale Dutt

They've been buying dark fiber for a good five years. It allows them to have such cheap communications between all their data centers.

Joe Kraus