It is about dignity. That is the motivating factor.

Aaron Marks

It's a fact of life our dues structure doesn't factor all of our expenses.

Mark Wolf

My expectation is that car sales should be at least in the lower double- digits. The excise duty is a big positive factor.

Kalpesh Parekh

No writer should minimize the factor that affects everyone, but is beyond control: luck.

John Jakes

Only when people are aware of the consequences can sentencing be a deterring factor.

Albert Wynn

In several deaths, people were shocked more than once. That's a common factor.

Mark Schlosberg

My biggest concern is that it would be a divisive factor in the negotiations.

Peggy Hicks

We have been here before, which is a big factor. We've got to come out and play our game from the opening tip.

Javario Byrd

He's going to be a major, major factor for us this season. I know he didn't design it that way, but he did what he had to do to get us out of it.

Pete Dunn

The real has been the main factor behind this rally.

Michael Cloherty

I really didn't think it would be a factor, but I think we got a little bit winded and it hurt us at times.

Sandy Wright

If it's damp outside, there's the tendency to have that chill factor. It penetrates more. A dry cold doesn't penetrate as much.

Joe Ramos

Her not being in the game was definitely a big factor because she is such a presence on the inside.

Stefanie Pemper

It helps them see the big picture to see that they can be a motivating factor in altering the quality of life for someone else.

Robert Cywinski

I wouldn't be surprised if returns came down eventually but I don't know what would be the precipitating factor.

David Rubenstein

The biggest swing factor (in this business) is the market.

Kent Johnson

Doesn't even factor into our thought process.

Ryan Clark

We got in early, but that's not a factor. We just worried about today's game.

Garret Anderson

There is definitely a feel-good factor about Manchester City just now and that is something for us all to celebrate.

John Wardle

I hope he's back. He's a big factor offensively and defensively.

Max Jones

For each of these routes, we can quickly apply the cost factor.

George Krawzoff

It's not a factor at all. It's simply not considered. It is not known.

Togo West

It's almost bizarre that the Corrections Department, itself an arm of the government, didn't factor in the extra costs from changes to the Holiday' Act.

Simon Power

That was a factor. We need them to make a commitment to football. Hopefully that will happen.

Garron Whitehouse

It's definitely a factor on this hill. Hopefully it will be OK on Sunday.

Janne Ahonen

Demand has been very strong and China is a big factor. We are in the process of expanding right now to meet that demand.

Leo Kipfstuhl

The third quarter was probably the deciding factor. Willis hit some big shots in the third quarter.

David Patrick

This is the only factor that raises the hope that the Maoists would extend the ceasefire.

Yubaraj Ghimire

To do that for a year and a half can be a lot. I'm concerned about the burnout factor.

Charles Schneider

Turnout will be a major factor.

Thomas Morris

Taxes should not be the driving force, but it's an important factor.

Douglas Moore

She was a big factor in his success.

Laurence Glasco

Confidentiality is such a big factor for us. They (customers) want service, quality and anonymity.

Helen Edell

The economic fundamentals are a very supportive factor for the currency. The current account surplus and exports continue to perform well.

Beat Siegenthaler

Personnel is a big issue here for onshore (facilities) as well as offshore. That is certainly a factor in this.

Susan Weaver

They did control the boards, particularly on the offensive boards. That was a big factor, particularly in the last quarter.

Ted Kaczynski

The fact that anyone is welcome to come here, taking out the factor of money, drops barriers. You can come in and be comfortable and hang out.

Eric Richardson

Piracy in all its forms has been the major factor in this reversal but not the only factor.

Eric Nicoli

Angus has always been the X-factor for us. He can do that against anyone. Hopefully, that continues for us. When he's on, we're pretty tough to beat.

Eric Krause

It was probably going to be too late anyway for my client to get into school. So, at this point, the delay is not really a factor.

Eric Grant

We have really good depth in every event. Our depth will be a really good factor.

Erica Chandler

It's made us refocus on care. It's looking at the smallest factor.

Emily Stevens

Production costs have now become the most important factor for oil companies. They will drag down the shares.

Edwin Slaghekke

We see sturdy hiring as a factor that continues to support U.S. economic growth.

Ed Mckelvey

Some of the homes today are pretty barren. A big factor is — I call it 'the knickknack factor' — it's clutter.

Ed Roth