18 quotes about envisioning follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be.

Joy Page

This is the twilight of the banks. It would be a more cheerful spectacle if we could envision the dawn of the institutions that will replace them.

Martin Mayer

All in all, this is how you envision yourself playing every week. Sometimes it doesn't happen, but you should enjoy it when they do come along.

Joe Jurevicius

Envisioning the end is enough to put the means in motion.

Dorthea Brande

We're envisioning what societies will want.

Bruce T. Lahn

I envision he [Hartman] will try other avenues.

David Knowles

What we have to do is envision not tomorrow, but 20 years from now. Our shortcoming has always been not having that vision.

Carol Whiteside

A community gathering place is what we envision.

Jeff Krull

I envision watershed protection as a big thing.

Richard Sommer

Nobody could envision the appetite. The fans just eat it up. We can?t churn it out fast enough.

Anthony Mormile

That is something that is certainly open to discussion. We envision both.

Ray Strychalski

At this point, I will assume I will eventually come out against him. The question we have to ask is, would we want to live in an America he would envision?

Sarah Weddington

I never really could envision wearing any other uniform.

Samari Rolle

We envision it as actually being a regional biotech education center that could serve the entire Upper Midwest.

Ted Crosbie

He always told us to envision the ball going into the net. You have to believe that you'll win. That's what I told the team.

Jef Flournoy

The industry is very friendly. And we do wish (North Carolina) the best and do envision friendly competition on the border.

Jill Vaughan

We envision humans healing animals and animals healing humans.

Dawn Rogers

I absolutely could not envision getting back into elective politics, at least until my son Jake is in college.

Peter Fitzgerald