25 quotes about drastic follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

People need to make fundamental changes - they don't have to be drastic.

Alice Lichtenstein

It's dramatic and drastic.

John Mancini

If the plan is as drastic as we think, we will strike immediately.

Gerry Morrissey

We didn't even know we were out there for 48 plays. It didn't feel like anything drastic.

Mark Brown

We made some minor changes, but nothing drastic. We're good to go.

Bonni Retzkin

It was fun beating them. They were surprised we made such a drastic improvement.

Matt Wichorek

This is a different case. This situation is so drastic.

Julie Thompson

I think we need to do something a little drastic to send a message.

Harold Dawson

If I had known we could have averted such a drastic step.

Prakash Mahajan

I don't expect them to take any drastic action. They are comfortable with higher growth.

Frank Gong

It's a drastic change. He did box jumps, ran with weights and did a lot of footwork.

Mike Defries

That's dire, that's drastic, that's terrible.

Gerald Meyers

Beaver is really big. It takes a long time to see any sort of drastic change.

Bob Morgan

It seems there's always some kind of drastic weather. We kind of get used to it.

Susan Peel

We're getting to drastic options. We don't have any easy ones left.

John Bingham

Unmarried couples should get married - that's an excellent tax avoidance measure, if a bit drastic.

John Whiting

After Sept. 11, the administration began drastic changes in the access to public information.

Sandra Chance

I disciplined him the way I was raised. Certain occasions call for drastic measures.

Keith Hamilton

There has been a drastic change. Although we can't say with certainty why, detainees on hunger strike have begun to eat.

Army Ltcoljeremy Martin

If something drastic happens, the worst would be $100.

Steve Bellino

The board has been forced to make some drastic cuts across the board. Athletics has certainly done its part in that regard.

Tim Hall

Whether Brett Favre retires or not probably won't have a drastic effect.

Bill Wenzel

We did a professional study. There are not going to be any drastic changes.

Yashovardhan Azad

This change is just too drastic.

Cary Stidham

We try not to destroy the homes, but we have to get inside. Drastic circumstances call for drastic measures.

Eric Baum