30 quotes about controversial follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's become much more controversial than I would have expected. I was surprised by the vehemence.

Sidney Verba

I'm incredibly shocked at how controversial this became.

Laurie Taylor

In general, the passage of the budget is expected to go smoothly, given it contains little that is new or controversial.

Damian Fraser

Don't buy anything controversial. We don't want any trouble in our community.

Judy Blume

Who'll win? I'm probably going to be a bit controversial here and say I think England may win it.

Dennis Lillee

I don't think this will be considered controversial.

Carl Schmid

There's nothing very controversial in this board meeting at all. The university is running very, very well.

Manny Fernandez

This is still a controversial hypothesis.

Colleen Rogers

A lot of data is not there, and it's fairly controversial.

Matt Sundeen

These are just controversial, tough issues.

Sam Miller

Generally speaking, 95 percent of all branch applications get approved. It's really not a controversial process.

Dan Egan

It's not unusual for people with his background to be involved in some areas that are controversial. We're bringing them in in groups of 25 and 30.

Jim Ballard

I enjoy being a little controversial and messing with people sometimes. But that?s not very good business.

Jake Brebes

Controversial proposals, once accepted, soon become hallowed.

Dean Acheson

It's going to be controversial because it introduces a lot of volatility.

Howard Silverblatt

It was a complete knockdown on a controversial question. It's really quite astonishing.

Robert George

Because it was so controversial, we said, 'Let's show people we mean what we said,' .

Frank Brown

We're hoping the reconciliation bill does go away. It's becoming very controversial.

Anna Aurilio

Aside from the issue of catch limits, [the bill] is pretty non-controversial.

Lee Crockett

The most controversial go last.

Greg Carr

We were aware that this report was due to come out and it would be both topical and controversial.

John Drummond

It'll be controversial, I'm sure.

David Meehan

They were political. Anytime you get political, I feel it's controversial. We've been very careful to do basically straight-forward advertising on our benches.

Gary Taylor

There?s nothing controversial about these (the increases). These are catch-up prices.

George Gantz

I am not afraid that the book will be controversial, I'm afraid it will not be controversial.

Flannery O'Connor

If you've got a big mouth and you're controversial, you're going to get attention.

Simon Cowell

The week is always very controversial on campus, but it's a lot of fun.

Mike Jaskie

It's very controversial, but the authorities eventually ruled that they are not Cuauhtemoc's remains.

National Institute

We want to look at the most controversial.

Allan Cribbins

That's a controversial assertion that I'll stand by.

Eliot Cohen