19 quotes about channels follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

To be honest, we don't have the financial resources. We don't have any television channels.

Salih Mutlaq

There is always confusion among the access channels. But it does tell you that all the access channels are being watched.

Louise Thompson

One who roams the channels after dark, searching for buried treasure.

Harriet Van Horne

That one fact is why people are not coming through legal channels.

Cecilia Munoz

Cable channels have two revenue streams.

Steve Brookstein

Migration to low-touch channels is now in its very early stages.

Robert Iati

A lot of channels would simply not survive.

Preston Padden

We have never made it a secret that we allow commercials on talk channels.

Jim Collins

I think people are used to channels. They're not used to portals.

Larry Fischer

There are problems with the definitions of the channels. ... That type of ambiguity ... must be interpreted to the benefit of the applicant.

David Ballou

With more [distribution] channels, it's important to have 'must-have' content and brands that cut through the clutter.

Tom Staggs

I'm very angry. We'll be going through regular channels to appeal.

Li Datong

It's never been the studios' way to just sell movies to their own channels.

Jonathan Taplin

I have opened the communication channels with these people from the very beginning.

William Gifford

I want it gone, but we have to follow the right channels.

Laura Reaves

We agreed that we won't indulge in character assassination. If there is any issue, he should address it through the party channels.

Nelson Ramaotwana

The news and sports channels are not there, because sometimes they go live and anything can happen.

Rob Howard

Everybody is scrambling to build alliances and set up distribution channels.

Burt Greenwald

We use 100 Terabytes per month, total, for our channels.

Tom Herman